On Sunday, April 19th, the Mission Initiative will once again host the annual Cuban Sandwich Luncheon. It will immediately follow our Sunday worship.
To make this fundraiser economically frugal, this year we ask that the sandwiches be pre-ordered. Payment can be made in advance or the day of the fundraiser. To pay with your card, in advance, please click here and note in the comments that it is for the Cuban Sandwich Fundraiser and how many sandwiches you are ordering. If you would like to pay on the day of the fundraiser, please email the church office at: office@firstpresracine.org, providing your name and number of sandwiches.
If you are unable to pre-order, we will have some extra sandwiches available for purchase. There is a $5 donation for each sandwich -- dine-in or take-out.
The Mission Initiative hopes to raise monies to help the Cuban Pastors secure their Visas to travel to the United States to continue our church partner-ship. Pastor Ary and Pastor Beidy have utilized their 5 year Visas to travel back and forth to the United States. In June of 2020 their travel Visas will expire. It is not possible for the Pastors to renew their US Visas in Cuba. The Pastors must travel to another country to renew their U.S. Visas. Pastor Ary and Pastor Beidy have Canadian Passports so we hope the Pastors can travel to Canada to renew their US Visas. Yes, it is all very complex. Please keep the Cuban Pastors in your prayers along with our church family at Central Church in Matanzas.