Do you know someone in our church community who needs a dose of cheer (or a "dustup of chalk!")? The Music and Art Initiative's "1st Pres Chalk Talk" needs you now!

#1 Send us the name of someone you'd like us to "chalk." We'll respond by arriving unannounced to chalk their sidewalk or driveway!

#2 If you are interested in being part of the Chalk Talk Team, send us YOUR name. No experience required. Chalk is provided. We will make up the teams and each particular team will decide when their combined chalking (and talking) will take place. Everything is done outside, wearing masks and being socially distant. Once your team has completed their artistry, you take a photo and send it to Shelley for posting.

Remember three things: Chalking requires chalkers. Chalkers require chalk. And, to be chalked is all it's chalked up to be and more!

To participate or with names for chalking, please contact Pat Badger by clicking here.