The Bell
The bell was added to the tower in 1855, which doubled as the city's fire alarm. It is the original bell which was purchased by the Ladies Sewing Circle. The words "Holiness to the Lord," from Zechariah 14:20, are inscribed on its west face. The bell was presented to the church in 1855. When the bell arrived, it is said that Rev. Humphrey exclaimed "Who'd a thought it, stitches bought it!" It is still an ever-present memorial to the devotion of the pioneer women of our church.
The bell has always been more than simply a means of calling people to church. For many years it served as a city fire alarm and also announced victories during the Civil War. Today the bell is an important part of our Underground Railroad Tours. Those who participate in the tour, young and old, are given the opportunity to ring the bell. This act helps transport them to the past in a hands-on way.